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The Power of Somatic Healing: How Somatic Movement Changed the Way I Move, Create and Live

My somatic healing journey started by diving deeper into my movement practice, which happened to be Pilates. This is where I began to notice the more I tried to identify what I was feeling and where, the more I started seeing efficiency in my Pilates practice as well as in my life outside of the studio. I began to feel more rejuvenated, focused, centered, grounded, calm - all the things I needed to take with me on my day in this crazy world. I was able to find these sensations within myself, with the assistance of movement and breath. This daily practice became less and less about moving through the method of Pilates and more and more about moving to meet and know myself. I was given this beautifully curated apparatus, the reformer. The support and leverage I found while moving with this machine allowed me to find a safety in movement that I didn't previously know existed, a safety in my own body that had never been provided to me by other forms of exercise.

This experience is what led me to connect with Katie. That led to our collaboration in this venture that is S.H.I.F.T. (Somatic Healing thru Intuitive Functional Training). We realized our commonality was this concept of practicing and living somatic. The way we were experiencing movement and how we were coaching our clients though movement, was somatic.

This somatic approach to an already inviting modality of movement was what brought me to my biggest place of inner peace. Feeling like I have the agency and the data to know what my body (and mind) needs on a day-to-day basis is what allows me to stay at peace, centered and aligned enough to do things, create things, share things that I might not otherwise be able to. Somatic practices have provided me with the self confidence, peace and knowledge to be here, ready to share this profound yet humble creation that Katie and I have built together, in hopes to share the wealth that is the S.H.I.F.T. System.

The somatic approach is a holistic one that focuses on the bodymind connection. It is tapping into your innate wisdom to release tension, cultivate your own sensation of inter-connectedness and confidence.

Feeling Interconnected through a Somatic Approach

Interconnectedness is the sense of being connected to oneself. Feeling rooted in the earth and grounded in the body is essential to allow our physical selves and be present in the moment. When we are interconnected, we are more aware of our surroundings, our emotions, and our physical sensations, which can in turn help us connect more deeply with others and the natural world around us. Being reminded that we are part of a larger web, the sense of being interconnected can foster feelings of empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Feeling grounded in the body can help us navigate challenges and stressors with more resilience and grace, as we are better able to stay centered and balanced in the face of adversity. This sense of stability and strength can also help us feel more connected to a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

What is Somatic Healing?

Somatic Healing uses a multifaceted lens to get to the root of the tensions felt both physical and mental. The body and mind connection is irrefutable, and when you start to become aware, you begin to give yourself room to change. The principles of somatic healing include:

  • Bodymind connection: Somatic healing recognizes the body and mind are interconnected and that physical symptoms can be influenced by emotional and psychological factors. Think of the example of the cues your body gives you when you know you have to be around someone that just doesn't mesh with your energy. Tense stomach, raised blood pressure, all the feedback. Taking that deep, calming breath can begin to melt these tensions away. That's an amazing connection!

  • Awareness: Somatic healing encourages individuals to become more aware of their bodies, sensations, and emotions, in order to better understand and address underlying issues. When you become aware, you can act.

  • Release and expression: Somatic healing involves releasing pent-up emotions and physical tension through movement, touch, sighing, screaming, laughing, humming. Just letting it out!!!! That's somatic healing!

  • Holistic: Somatic healing takes a holistic approach to healing, addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person in order to promote overall well-being.

  • Self-regulation: Somatic healing teaches individuals techniques for self-regulation, such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, and body awareness practices, to help them better manage stress and emotions.

  • Trauma-informed care: Somatic healing recognizes the impact of trauma on the body and mind, and seeks, to be aware of and possibly address and heal trauma through somatic practices.

The Benefits of Somatic Movement

Somatic movement practices found at S.H.I.F.T. such as, Pilates inspired classes, yin yoga, and breathwork, focus on increasing awareness of the body's sensations, movements, and alignment. By engaging in somatic movement exercises, individuals, can enhance their body awareness and efficiency, gain confidence in their abilities and build resilience in both mind and body.

  • Improved Movement Efficiency: Somatic movement exercises often involve slow, mindful movements that help individuals become more aware of their habitual patterns of movement and posture. By engaging different muscles, individuals can improve their movement efficiency and reduce strain and tension in the body.

  • Enhanced Bodymind Connection: Somatic movement practices help individuals cultivate a stronger bodymind connection by encouraging them to listen to and respond to their body's signals. By developing this awareness, individuals can better regulate their emotions, reduce stress, and improve well-being. Listening to your bodies cues is also a brilliant way to build confidence is what it is your body is trying to tell you.

  • Building resilience: Somatic practices can help individuals develop resilience and coping strategies to deal with challenges and setbacks. By practicing techniques such as mindful breathing, yin yoga, and somatic Pilates (all these wonderful modalities offered at S.H.I.F.T.), individuals can learn to stay centered when life gets crazy - leading to a greater sense of self-assurance and self-worth. 

  • Increased Mindfulness: Somatic movement practices promote mindfulness by encouraging individuals to be fully present in the moment and to engage in movements with focused attention and intention.

  • Stress Reduction: Somatic movement practices can help you release tension and stress held in the body, leading to a sense of relaxation and calmness. By practicing deep breathing, gentle stretching, and mindful movement, individuals can get to a place where reducing the physical and mental symptoms of stress are attainable.

Finding Inner Peace and Empowerment with Somatic Movement

Taking agency in your body, listening to what it's trying to have you hear, learning new movement patterns, improving coordination, building strength and flexibility. All of this leads you to a place of achievement and will empower you to take on whatever each day has in store for you, mind and body. Your somatic movement practice will leave you feeling calm, capable and connected. We can't wait to have you on this journey.


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